"This cooperation with LinkieBuy has expanded our sales channel, empowering us to pursue a wider Chinese market."---CEO of Health More
Health More was founded in 2014, focuses on bringing quality Australian and New Zealand products to overseas markets. To achieve better in China market, Health More decided to cooperate with LinkieBuy. With the help of LinkieBuy, Health More launched an online store on WeChat. Through multiple activities, the store has already achieved favorable sales performance. CEO of Health More said, "Health More has marched into China market for several years, but start a WeChat Mini Program Store is a unfamilar to us. This cooperation with LinkieBuy has expanded our sales channel, empowering us to pursue a wider Chinese market."


"Through the cooperation, we bring 120 Korea brands smoothly to Chinese consumers." ---CEO of PPL
As a well-known Korean brand service provider, PPLNETWORKS, with its own technology development and international payment capabilities, provides more than 120 cooperative brands with services of global payment. CEO of PPL expressed, "China is an unparalleled market; we Korea brands of course are passionate about it. But as a technology company, we are restricted by logistics and supply chain, which are highlights of LinkiBuy, so the cooperation began. With the help of LinkieBuy, We 120 Korea brands smoothly enter Chinese market and achieved favorable sales performance".


"LinkieBuy is excellent at promoting global brands in China Mainland." ---Marketing Director of KissBaby
As a Hong Kong's local retailer brand, KISS BABY was established in 2013. With the best quality living goods from all over the world, it provides consumers with a diversified shopping experience. The MD of KissBaby said, “Our sales in Hongkong was heavily affected by the Pandemic, cooperate with LinkieBuy to enter Chinese market is a big step for us. Thankfully, we have achieved great sales growth in our LinkieBuy WeChat Store Mini Program. LinkieBuy is really excellent at promoting global brand in China Mainland. Hope our cooperation will be better and better", Said MD of KissBaby


"Thanks to LinkieBuy for allowing us to accelerate the digital transformation process of online cross-border sales under the background of the impact of COVID-19." --- Manager of DOSPAIN
DOSPAIN is a duty-free shop with a variety of Spanish specialties and located near the Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain. It has become One of the most popular duty-free shops for tourists. However, the Spain's tourism industry is hit hard by COVID-19. In order to broaden sales channels and crack China market, DOSPAIN Duty Free Shop chose to cooperate with LinkieBuy to launch a cross-border mall for selling Spanish specialties on Wechat. The manager of the DOSPAIN said, "The cooperation with LinkieBuy helps us find new sales channels and opportunities, allowing us from simply relying on offline sales to quickly achieving online cross-border sales."


"The cooperation with LinkieBuy accelerates LifeSpace's omni-channel expansion, and also drives rapid sale growth in China market." - Channel Manager of LifeSpace
LifeSpace is the No. 1 probiotic brand in Australia. In order to searching for new opportunities and next growth point in China e-commerce market, LifeSpace and LinkieBuy reached a cooperation to launch the LifeSpace WeChat cross-border mall, which realized the independent direct marketing in China's largest social media platform, and further expanded its sales channels in China market. "The cooperation with LinkieBuy has accelerated LifeSpace's omni-channel expansion, and promoted rapid sale growth in China market. We look forward to closer cooperation with LinkieBuy." The channel manager of LifeSpace said.

Pharmacie des Grands Hommes

"LinkieBuy offers professional service, and creates a better shopping experience for customers." --- CEO of Pharmacie des Grands Hommes
Pharmacie des Grands Hommes is located in the flourishing commercial area of downtown Bordeaux, providing professional medicines, skin care products, cosmetics and daily health care products at the best prices. The cooperation with LinkieBuy helps them to officially launch the online cross-border business into China. "LinkieBuy offers professional service in all aspects of online sales, which creates a better shopping experience for customers. "The CEO of Pharmacie des Grands Hommes said.


"LinkieBuy helps us transform from physical retail to online retail, which enriches our sales scenario in China and directly increase sales" --- Marketing Manager of Big C
Big C is affiliated to BJC Group in Thailand. It is a one-stop shopping mall integrating retail supermarkets and shopping malls with more than 1,500 branches in Thailand. Big C and LinkieBuy reached a cooperation to launch an online cross-border mall, shifting the business focus from physical retail to online retail, and directly mailing store products to Chinese consumers. The marketing manager of Big C said: "After cooperating with LinkieBuy, we have successfully realized the transformation from brick-and-mortar retail to online retail, enriching sales channels and bringing a better shopping experience to Chinese customers."
Find out how LinkieBuy can help your business grow in China with a product walkthrough and consultation.